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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

i heart faces- focusing on angles

i heart faces theme this week is focusing on angles. im new at all of this, but why not. here is my entry... go there to see more!

the beginning

i have been wanting to start a blog now for a million years. i've been too worried about what i would say, what to call it, what would it be about..blah blah. but in the meantime i have missed out on documenting the things that are important to me. so here it is..the beginning of my blog. i don't know where this is going and i can't promise it will be interesting..but if you don't mind my run on sentences, exaggeration, a little bit of sarcasm ;), and misspelled words...then please join me on this adventure. i would enjoy having you along for the ride :)

and i am a firm believer that posts are boring without here is something cute to look at :)
